Sunday, March 28, 2010

A short review and some news from Pablo Karaman

In the last week the baritone Ricardo Velásquez was so friendly to share his personal review about the latest Summer-Opera Bamberg workshop with us. Now we can hear something from the tenor Pablo Karaman, who played “Rodolfo” – the leading role in “La Bohème”.

Pablo, how has the project been for you and what was special?

The project was very nice, also from a human point of view.

What exactly does that mean?

I enjoyed the good feeling between the artists which was also evident on stage. I have the best memories of that experience.

When you take a look at the organisation in general and in comparison with theatres where operas are played regularly – 365 days a year – what can you say?

I was enriched humanly and professionally, it was a good "work out", because the Summer-Oper-Bamberg works like you work in the big theaters.

And what can you tell us about the music?

The musical level was very good.

The latest news about Pablo Karaman is that he was decorated with the studentship of the “Richard-Wagner Verband Bamberg”. He was chosen by the managing-committee (Richard Wagner-Verband Bamberg) and the artist director (Summer-Opera Bamberg).

Congratulations to Pablo!!

We will talk to him about this award and tell you something about the studentship later on.

For everyone who wants to hear Pablo Karaman in conert:
On Thursday, the 15th of April 2010 he takes part at a studentship-winner concert.
Place: Harmonie-Spiegelsaal, Schillerplatz 7; Bamberg
Beginning: at 8 o’clock pm.

The entrance is free.

We would be pleased, to see you there!

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