Monday, July 6, 2009

NEWS: We welcome our partnerchoir from Brno CZ

The choir Vox Iuvenalis, the Voice of Youth, was founded in the year 1993 by some students of the Vídeňská Street Grammar School wishing to continue choral singing after leaving the school. Since then, they have performed in the Czech Republic as well as abroad and earned themselves a reputation as a first-rate youth choir, as is testified by the numerous prizes (for example the first prize at the International Youth choir Festival, Veldhoven, Holland in 2004) obtained by both the choir and its conductor, Jan Ocetek.
The choir numbers nearly sixty members, all of them students and graduates of Brno universities, and has an extensive repertoire stretching from 16th century compositions to contemporary works, with 20th century Czech choral and sacred music featuring prominently. We gladly welcome members from Vox Iuvenalis to join the choir of the Sommer Oper Bamberg 2009.

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